At the end of August, the fourth edition of the Icelandic Premier League will get underway. Joseph Doroon, Vitor Charrua and Matthías Örn Friðriksson won one of the biggest tournaments in Iceland before. The fourth season will be even bigger and better.
The Icelandic Darts Association has decided that there will be a two separated league, one for the men and one for the women. Each league will have 12 players who will compete for the title. The criteria for placing are as follows:
Friðriksson has won the Icelandic Championship 501 and is in the first place of the IPS Rankings, that means that IDA gets a wildcard to give to a different player. If players are in the same place, the IDA will look at the results of the last event. If a player doesn’t want to participate in the competition, the IPS gives a wildcard to one of the other players who want to play.
Jóhannesdóttir and Magnúsdóttir have won an Icelandic Championship and are in the top 8 of the IPS Rankings, that means that IDA gets wildcards to give to different players. If players are in the same place, the IDA will look at the results of the last event. If a player doesn’t want to participate in the competition, the IPS gives a wildcard to one of the other players who want to play.
The Icelandic Premier League will be played over 6 Saturdays. Every Saturday each player will play three or four matches. Each league consists of two phases. In the first phase, all players compete against each other once. After 11 rounds, 4 players will relegate. Then the 8 remaining players play against each other again. After 18 rounds, the top 4 qualifies for the final evening! View the dates below!
Saturday 29 August – Rounds 1-4
Saturday 26 September – Rounds 5-8
Saturday 17 October – Rounds 9-11
Saturday 7 November – Rounds 12-15
Saturday 5 December – Rounds 16-18
Sunday 6 December – Finals night
All the action will be on multiple live stream boards on Live Darts Iceland! You can watch it on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter!
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