Categories: FréttirPro Tour

Another title in the bag for ‘The Eagle’

Matthías Örn Friðriksson won his third Icelandic Pro Tour of the four tournaments Wednesday night. Friðriksson was too strong for a field of 24 players. Friðriksson ended his tournament average just below the 70.

Friðriksson received a bye in the first round. Guðrún Þórðardóttir was the opponent in the last 16. Friðriksson had no problems with her and won 4-0 including a 16-darter.

In the quarterfinals Pétur Guðmundsson was the next opponent for ‘The Eagle’. Friðriksson was too strong in scoring for Pétur, Friðriksson won 4-1.

Friðriksson played his best match in the semi-finals against Guðmundur Sigurðsson.  Friðriksson won the match 4-1, including a 16-darter and an average of 73,2.

Karl Helgi Jónsson reached his third final in five days, after the two finals in the IPS Rankings. He reached the final with wins over Eyjólfur Gunnarsson (4-1), Þorgeir Guðmundsson (4-3) and Alex Máni Pétursson (4-1). Pétursson checked out 167 in that semi-final against Jónsson!

Jónsson started well in the final, he won the first leg. In the second leg Jónsson missed a lot of doubles for a 2-0 lead, Friðriksson won the second leg for 1-1. In the third leg Jónsson missed doubles again, in 21 darts Friðriksson broke to 2-1. The player from Grindavik hold his own leg for 3-1. Friðriksson played a very solid fifth leg and won the leg, match and tournament in 21 darts for a 4-1 win in the final.

The top 4 of the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit qualifies themselves after 8 Pro Tours for the Icelandic Premier League 2019. The top 8 will be seeded in Pro Tour 4.

Patrick Bus

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