Categories: FréttirPro Tour

Another triumph for magnificent Friðriksson

Matthías Örn Friðriksson is currently unbeatable on the Icelandic Pro Tour. With a field of participants with 25 players, ‘The Eagle’ had no problem with his opponents.

Friðriksson started his tournament with a bye because he was seeded number one. In the last 16, another player in form was the opponent, Hallgrimur Egilsson. Egilsson won the first leg in 20 darts, after that Friðriksson won 4 legs in a row in 20,18,17 and 18 darts. In two of the three legs missed ‘Halli Egils’ doubles to take the legs. Friðriksson ended his match on an average of 80,5.

Þröstur Ingimarsson was opponent in the quarterfinals. The first 4 legs went with the darts before leg 5 en 6 went to Friðriksson for a 4-2 win. Friðriksson checked out 92 and 96 and had an average of 82,7.

In the semi-finals won Friðriksson with a whitewash against Þorgeir Guðmundsson with an average of 75,2.

Alexander Þorvaldsson was the other finalist. The youngster defeated
Guðmundur Friðbjörnsson (4-1), Vitor Charrua (4-2), Alex Máni Pétursson (4-3) and Karl Helgi Jónsson (4-1).

Friðriksson started very well in the final, he won the first two legs including a 96-checkout. Þorvaldsson came back to 2-1 with an 18-dart-leg, but Friðriksson closed the match out with legs in 18 and 21 darts for his third Icelandic Pro Tour win in a row, and his fifth in total this year!

Check the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit below!

Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit 2019
Patrick Bus

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