Egilsson started the tournament with a 4-0 win over Sveinn Skörri Höskuldsson. Egilsson ended this match on an average of 76,1 and a checkout percentage of 76,1.
In the last 16, the man to beat, Matthías Örn Friðriksson, was the next opponent for Egilsson. The first 5 legs went with the darts, including a 16-darter from Egilsson and a 12-darter from ‘The Eagle’. In the sixth leg, Friðriksson missed two matchdarts, before Egilsson won the leg for 3-3. In the deciding leg Friðriksson missed four matchdarts, Egilsson hit with his last dart double 5 for a 4-3 win.
In the quarterfinals, Vitor Charrua was the opponent for ‘Halli Egils’. Egilsson started very strong, he won the first two legs. Charrua battled back to three apiece. Egilsson held his own leg in 19 darts for another 4-3 win.
Þorgeir Guðmundsson was the opponent in the semi-finals. Guðmundsson was leading 3-0 but lost the following four legs to Egilsson who reached the final for the first time this year.
Karl Helgi Jónsson was the other finalist. He defeated
Pétur Rúðrik Guðmundsson (4-2), Atli Már Bjarnason (4-0) and Alex Máni Pétursson (4-3).
The first three legs went with the darts in the final, including two legs in 16 darts. In the fourth leg, Egilsson hit a 95-checkout for a break for a 3-1 lead. Egilsson held his own leg for a 4-1 win and crowned to the winner of Icelandic Pro Tour 7.
Matthías Örn Friðriksson and Karl Helgi Jónsson are secured for a place in the Icelandic Premier League 2019. The other two places on the Icelandic Pro Tour 7 are between Alex Máni Pétursson, Þorgeir Guðmundsson, Alexander Þorvaldsson and Hallgrimur Egilsson.
Check all the highlights of Icelandic Pro Tour 7 below!
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