Friðriksson top performer of the first week

Wednesday 23 of October started the Icelandic Premier League 2019 with the best 8 players of Iceland.

Alex Máni Pétursson won the first match 6-3 against Þorgeir Guðmundsson. Pétursson won the first 3 legs including finishes of 76 and 119 for a 3-0 lead. After that all legs went with the darts, so the young Pétursson won 6-3.

In the second match, Matthías Örn Friðriksson defeated Alexander
Þorvaldsson 6-2. The first 4 legs went with the darts, before Friðriksson won 4 legs in a row including legs in 18,15 and 16 darts!

The third match was a thriller between Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Hallgrimur Egilsson. Egilsson started very well with winning the first 2 legs. Then 3 legs went with the darts. In the sixth leg broke Sigurðsson back with a checkout of 66 for 3-3. In the seventh leg, Egilsson broke for the second time for 4-3. With a 19 and 18 dart leg Sigurðsson get the lead; 5-4. With a 19
dart leg Egilsson hold his own leg. In the deciding leg Sigurðsson threw a 14-darter for the win!

The last match went between Vitor Charrua and Karl Helgi Jónsson. Charrua hadn’t problems with Jónsson, he won the first 4 legs. After that the next 4 legs were all breaks, so ‘The Grenade’ won 6-2!

Check out all the statistics for the first week below:

Check the standings after one week below:

Patrick Bus

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