Categories: FréttirPro Tour

Friðriksson wins Night of Comebacks

Matthías Örn Friðriksson has won the fifth Icelandic Pro Tour of the year. He was too strong for a total field of 25 players. “The Eagle” ended with a tournament average of 70.89!

Friðriksson started his tournament in the last 16 against Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir. The first five legs went with the darts. In the sixth leg, Friðriksson started with two 140s to win the match 4-2.

In the quarterfinals, Ólafur Sigurjónsson was the next opponent for Friðriksson. Friðriksson won the first two legs, including a 100-checkout and a 19-darter. Sigurjónsson holds his own leg for 2-1, but leg 4 and 5 went to Friðriksson in 17 and 19 darts for a 4-1 win and a place in the semi-finals.

Vitor Charrua was the opponent in the semi-finals. Charrua won the first leg in 19 darts, but after that leg, Friðriksson won 3 legs in a row in 18,21 and 19 darts for a 3-1 lead. ‘The Grenade’ holds his own leg to come back to 3-2. Friðriksson also kept his own leg for a 4-2 win and his umpteenth final place this season.

Alex Máni Pétursson reached for the first time the final of an Icelandic Pro Tour. He saw off Jónas Helgason (4-1), Þröstur Ingimarsson (4-1) and Karl Helgi Jónsson (4-0).

In the final Friðriksson won the first two legs of the final. Pétursson broke back but missed a number of darts on the double for 2-2. Friðriksson punished the 15-years-old Pétursson with a 92-checkout for 3-1. ‘The Eagle’ hold his own leg for a 4-1 win in the final and his fourth Icelandic Pro Tour final!

It was the night of the comebacks, because Pétur Rúðrik Guðmundsson and Vitor Charrua won matches 4-3, after 0-3 down. Guðmundsson won 4 legs in a row against Hallgrimur Egilsson who missed a lot of matchdarts but ended his match on an average of 76,4. Charrua won 4 legs in a row against ‘The Joker’ Einar Moller.

Check all the stats of Icelandic Pro Tour 5 below!

Check the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit below!

Patrick Bus

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