Wednesday 24th July the first Icelandic Pro Tour of the year will be played in Reykjavik. After 8 Pro Tours the top 4 of the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit will earn a seat in the Icelandic Premier League 2019!
The first Pro Tour will be played in the Pílufélags Reykjavíkur at Tangarhöfða 2 in Reykjavik. The tournament is straight knock-out in a format of best of 7 legs.
Winner: 28 points
Runner-up: 21 points
Semi-finals: 15 points
Quarterfinals: 10 points
Last 16: 6 points
Last 32: 3 points
You can enter the first Pro Tour of the year to fill in the form below!
Pro Tour 1 can be watched on the Facebook page of Live Darts Iceland.
The tournament starts at 19:30 local time!
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