Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February first the four Icelandic Pro Tours were played in Akureyri. Vitor Charrua, Matthías Örn Friðriksson and Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir were the big winners.
Icelandic Pro Tour 1
Saturday 8 February started with Icelandic Pro Tour number one with the big favourites Vitor Charrua and Matthías Örn Friðriksson reaching the final in a field of 24 players. Charrua saw off Sigurður Aðalsteinsson (5-3), Ólafur Guðmundsson (5-3) and Páll Arni Pétursson (5-2) for a place in the final. Friðriksson reached the final with wins over Waldi Bjarnason (5-4), Jónas Helgason (5-1) and Björn Brynjólfsson (5-2). Friðriksson started very well in the final, he won the first three legs in 22,16 and 18 darts. Charrua came back with three legs in a row for 3-3. Friðriksson produced a 17-dart-leg to hold his own leg. With a 20-darter, Friðriksson finally managed to win the final with 5-3, including an average of 79,1. Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir won the first ranking of the women, she defeated Hrefna Sævarsdóttir 5-2.
Icelandic Pro Tour 2
The final of the second Icelandic Pro Tour went between Vitor Charrua and Þröstur Ingimarsson. Charrua reached his second final on the day with wins over Páll Arni Pétursson (5-3), Alex Máni Pétursson (5-1) and Matthías Örn Friðriksson (5-3). Ingimarsson reached his first final of the weekend by defeating Orri Hjaltalín (5-2), Sigurður Aðalsteinsson (5-4) and Pétur Guðmundsson (5-3). The first three legs went with the darts, including a 164-checkout from Ingimarsson. In the fourth leg Ingimarsson missed a couple of darts at the double, Charrua punished him and broke the throw for 3-1. Charrua held his own leg for 4-1. With a checkout of 109 Ingimarsson hold his own leg for 4-2. In the seventh leg ‘The Grenade’ missed a lot of matchdarts, Ingimarsson checked double 19 for a break for 4-3. In the eighth leg, Charrua threw a magical 94-checkout for the title! Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir won the second event, she whitewashed (5-0) Dilja Tara Helgadóttir in the final.
Icelandic Pro Tour 3
The third event was played on Sunday 9 February with 26 players. Vitor Charrua and Matthías Örn Friðriksson reached the final, just like the first Icelandic Pro Tour. Charrua reached his third final in a row with wins over Björn Brynjólfsson (5-2), Sigurður Aðalsteinsson (5-4) and Þröstur Ingimarsson (5-3). Friðriksson reached his second final this weekend, by defeating Scott Ramsay (5-3), Atli Már Bjarnason (5-0) and Pétur Guðmundsson (5-1). In the final Friðriksson missed in four legs doubles, he missed in total 12 darts at doubles. Charrua punished his compatriot and winning the final 5-0! Just like in the second event, Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir defeated Dilja Tara Helgadóttir in the final 5-0.
Icelandic Pro Tour 4
Vitor Charrua and Matthías Örn Friðriksson were the final for Icelandic Pro Tour 4, just like two other events this weekend. This time Charrua was too strong for Sigurður Aðalsteinsson (5-1), Jónas Helgason (5-0) and Alex Máni Pétursson (5-2). Friðriksson reached his third final where he saw off Scott Ramsay (5-0), Viðar Valdimarsson (5-1) and Björn Brynjólfsson (5-1) on his win to the final. This time Friðriksson started very well in the final, he won the first three legs. With two legs in a row, Charrua came back to 3-2. With two 19-dart-legs in a row, Friðriksson won his second title of the weekend, the same as Charrua! Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir completed her unbeaten weekend by winning the fourth final with a whitewash from Hrefna Sævarsdóttir!
Check the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit here!
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