Matthías Örn Friðriksson defeated Alex Máni Pétursson 6-2 in the semi-finals. Friðriksson won the first three legs, including a 60-checkout. Pétursson came back strongly with legs in 20 and 23 darts for 3-2. Pétursson didn’t make it 3 apiece, with three legs in a row, Friðriksson reached the final for the first time. He won the match with a nicely 18-darter for 6-2.
He met Vitor Charrua in the final who defeated Halligrimur Egilsson 6-4 in a great match. Egilsson started very well with winning the first three legs in 19,20 and 18 darts. Then there are 3 legs with the darts for 4-2. With a 22-darter Charrua broke back and held his own leg in 15 darts for 4-4. With throwing double 9 ‘The Grenade’ broke again for 5-4. In the tenth leg, Egilsson missed tops for a 102-checkout. Charrua threw double 5 for a great comeback and a place in the final.
Charrua started the final against Friðriksson. He held his own leg and broke his compatriot with double 10 for 2-0. With a 20-darter Charrua held his own leg once again for 3-0! After that Friðriksson came in his rhythm. With legs in 21,17 and 23 darts came ‘The Eagle’ back to 3-3. In the seventh leg Friðriksson started with 180 and 140 to win the leg in 21 darts for a 4-3 lead. With a 50-checkout Friðriksson broke for the second time and came to matchpoint; 5-3. With a 19-dart-leg Friðriksson secured this first Icelandic Premier League title of his career!
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