Matthías Örn Friðriksson champion of the Icelandic Premier League 2019

Matthías Örn Friðriksson wins the third edition of the Icelandic Premier League. He defeated Alex Máni Pétursson and Vitor Charrua on finals night. Read here more.

Matthías Örn Friðriksson defeated Alex Máni Pétursson 6-2 in the semi-finals. Friðriksson won the first three legs, including a 60-checkout. Pétursson came back strongly with legs in 20 and 23 darts for 3-2. Pétursson didn’t make it 3 apiece, with three legs in a row, Friðriksson reached the final for the first time. He won the match with a nicely 18-darter for 6-2.

He met Vitor Charrua in the final who defeated Halligrimur Egilsson 6-4 in a great match. Egilsson started very well with winning the first three legs in 19,20 and 18 darts. Then there are 3 legs with the darts for 4-2. With a 22-darter Charrua broke back and held his own leg in 15 darts for 4-4. With throwing double 9 ‘The Grenade’ broke again for 5-4. In the tenth leg, Egilsson missed tops for a 102-checkout. Charrua threw double 5 for a great comeback and a place in the final.

Charrua started the final against Friðriksson. He held his own leg and broke his compatriot with double 10 for 2-0. With a 20-darter Charrua held his own leg once again for 3-0! After that Friðriksson came in his rhythm. With legs in 21,17 and 23 darts came ‘The Eagle’ back to 3-3. In the seventh leg Friðriksson started with 180 and 140 to win the leg in 21 darts for a 4-3 lead. With a 50-checkout Friðriksson broke for the second time and came to matchpoint; 5-3. With a 19-dart-leg Friðriksson secured this first Icelandic Premier League title of his career!

Patrick Bus

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