General information
Name: Pétur Rúðrik Guðmundsson
Age: 48 years old
Residence: Grindavík
Job: Church caretaker and Life coach
Hobbies: Basketball and darts
Darts Information
Starting with darts: 2015
Reason to start with darts: My son came to me when he was 11 years old and asked to put up a dartboard in our home. That was in 2015 and we haven’t stopped since
Nickname: ‘The Father’
Type darts: Unicorn, Gary Anderson, 25g.
Favourite double: Double 20 and double 12
Best performance in darts: Icelandic 501 Champion 2017, Icelandic Champion (cricket) 2018, Icelandic 301 Champion 2019 and semi-finals in Icelandic Masters in 2017
Big idol in darts: Gary Anderson and John Lowe
Favourite opponent: My son, Alex Máni Pétursson
Player not to play against: I haven’t found him yet and I think I never will
Favourite tournament: Icelandic Premier League
Practise Information
Amount of practice in a week: 3-5 times a week, from 1 hour to 5 hours
Practice routine: hit 10 bulls, hit ten times D20,D18,D16,D12 and D10, take out 170 five times in 6 darts or less
Practice friends: Mostly with my son
180 or 170-finish
Icelandic Premier League Champion or Icelandic Champion
Reykjavik Club House or Keflavik Club House
Singles format or Doubles format
501 or Cricket
Results in 2020
Reykjavik International Games: Last 16
IPS Ranking 1: Last 32
IPS Ranking 2: Semi-finals
IPS Ranking 3: Semi-finals
Icelandic Championship Singles: Last 16
Icelandic Championship Pairs: Last 16
IDA Shoot-Out Event 3: Last 16
301 Icelandic Championship Pairs: Quarterfinals
301 Icelandic Championship Singles: Quarterfinals
IPS Ranking 5: Quarterfinals
IPS Ranking 6: Runner-up
IPS Ranking 7: Runner-up
IPS Ranking 8: Semi-finals
Statistics in 2020 (tournaments via DartConnect)
Highest average: 72,40
180’s: 5
Highest checkout: 141
Best leg: 16 darts
Average darts per leg: 23,37 darts per leg
Matches played: 45
Matches won: 31
Matches lost: 14
Win rate: 68,89%
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