
Players Performance: Þórey Gunnarsdóttir

General information
Þórey Gunnarsdóttir
31 years old
 Mother and school
Darts, singing and dancing

Darts Information
Starting with darts: 
Reason to start with darts: To spend more time with my husband
Nickname: ‘Helvítis Konan’
Type of darts:
 Winmau Sabotage 24g
Favorite double: 
Double 16 and double 6
Best performance in darts: 
Icelandic Champion Pairs with Ingibjörg 2018
Big idol in darts: 
Nobody in particular
Favorite opponent:
Ingibjörg Mágnúsdóttir
Player not to play against: 
No one, you can’t win them all if you don’t play against them all
Favorite tournament:
Winmau Iceland Open and Icelandic Championships

Practice Information
Amount of practice in a week:
1 to 2 hours in a week
Practice routine:
99 darts to bull, bob’s 27 or play 501,301, cricket
Practice friends:
My husband

180 or 170 finish
Icelandic Premier League Champion or  Icelandic Champion
Reykjavik Club House or Keflavik Club House
Singles format  or Doubles format
501 or Cricket

Results in 2020
Icelandic Championship Singles: Last 16
Icelandic Championship Pairs: Quarterfinals

Statistics in 202 0 (tournaments via DartConnect)
Highest average:
180’s: 0
Highest checkout: 22
Best leg:  26 darts
Average darts per leg: 28,50 darts per leg
Matches played:
Matches won: 0
Matches lost:  1
Win rate: 0%

Patrick Bus

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