Categories: FréttirIPS Ranking

Success for Ingimarsson and Charrua in Reykjavik

Þröstur Ingimarsson and Vitor Charrua won IPS Ranking 8 and 9 in Reykjavik.

Ingimarsson reached the final of IPS Ranking 8 with wins over Robert Hermann (5-0), Alex Máni Pétursson (5-3) and Hallgrimur Egilsson (5-3). Karl Helgi Jónsson reached his third final of the season. He saw off Björn Brynjólfsson (5-1), Eyjólfur Gunnarsson (5-1) and Gissur Oli Halldórsson (5-1). In a close final where Ingimarsson had a 4-1 lead, Jónsson came back to 4-4. In the last leg decider, Jónsson missed 5 matchdarts, before Ingimarsson pinned double 10 for a 5-4 win and his first IPS Ranking of the year! Þórey Ósk Gunnarsdóttir won the ranking of the women with a 5-2 win in the final against Diljá Tara Helgadóttir.

IPS Ranking 9 was won by Vitor Charrua, who won now three IPS titles this season. Charrua reached the final with wins over Halligrimur Egilsson (5-3), Alex Máni Pétursson (5-2), and Guðmundur Valur Sigurðsson (5-4). Matthías Örn Friðriksson was the opponent in the final. He defeated Björn Brynjólfsson (5-3), Atli Már Bjarnason (5-2) and Karl Helgi Jónsson (5-2) to reach the final. The first three legs of the final were breaks, including a 105-checkout from Charrua. In the fourth leg, Charrua held his own leg for a 3-1 lead. The next two legs went with the darts for 4-2. In the sixth leg, Charrua had scores of 100,135,123 and checked out double 5 for a 5-2 win in the final! The women tournament was won by María Steinunn Jóhannesdóttir with a 5-0 whitewash over Petrea Friðriksdóttir.

Patrick Bus

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