
Winmau Iceland Open 2020

New dates for the WIO 2020 have been confirmed. The events will now take place on September 4th-6th 2020. A brand new venue has also been secured in downtown Reykjavik which ensures that this years event will be the best WIO ever held. Registration is open and closes at midnight Wednesday September 2nd.

3 events will be played over the weekend with a warm up doubles competition on the Friday followed by Iceland Open on Saturday and Iceland Masters on Sunday with total prize money of 3.000GBP.

By using our online payment buttons below you can register and we offer a discounted prize on signing up for all 3 events. Entry fee is as follows:
Warm Up doubles: ISK 2.000 – GBP 15
Iceland Open: ISK 4.000 – GBP 30
Iceland Masters: ISK 4.000 – GBP 30
All 3 events: ISK 8.000 – GBP 60

Please use the payment buttons below to register for the events. You can also register by sending an email to with your info and pay on-site without the discount or sign up by filling out the form below.

You can register below without payment by filling out this form. If you signed up before the postponment of the event you need to sign up again.


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