Categories: FréttirPro Tour

Winning start for Friðriksson in Icelandic Pro Tour

Matthías Örn Friðriksson has won the first Pro Tour of a total of 8 tournaments. A total of 30 players participated in Pro Tour 1 in Reykjavik, including Vitor Charrua and Hallgrimur Egilsson.

Friðriksson starts off the tournament with a tough match against Vitor Charrua in the last 32. The first 4 legs went with the darts. In the fifth leg, Charrua missed 5 darts at the double. Friðriksson punished him and broke to 3-2. With a great 19-darter, Friðriksson kept his leg and won 4-2.

In the last 16, Alexander Þorvaldsson was the opponent. ‘The Eagle’ had no problems and won 4-0 including a 116 checkout. In the quarterfinals, the veteran Þorgeir Guðmundsson was the opponent. Guðmundsson led 3-2, but thanks to a 19 and 17-darter, Friðriksson still won 4-3 for a place in the semi-finals.

Sigurgeir Guðmundsson defeated Pétur Guðmundsson in the quarterfinals and was the next opponent for the 32 years old Icelandic player. Friðriksson hadn’t trouble with Gudmundsson and won 4-1. Guðmundur Sigurðsson reached also the final after a 4-1 win against Karl Helgi Jónsson.

Friðriksson won the first 3 legs in the final, also because Sigurðsson missed doubles in the first two legs. In the fourth leg, Friðriksson missed 2 match darts after which Sigurdsson came back to 3-1. Friðriksson kept his leg in 20 darts and won the first Icelandic Pro Tour of the year.

The top 4 of the Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit after 8 Pro Tours will qualify for the Icelandic Premier League 2019! Check the Order of Merit and all statistics of the first Pro Tour below!

Icelandic Pro Tour Order of Merit!
All statistics of the first Icelandic Pro Tour of 2019!
100+ checkouts after one Pro Tour!
Patrick Bus

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