
Edgar, Armstrong, Torbjörnsson and Willkomm winners of Iceland Open/Masters

The WDF bronze events, Iceland Open and Iceland Masters 2023, were held at Bullseye Reykjavík, Iceland during the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of April 2023.

147 participants from 16 countries competed for the Golden Darts, Lava Rocks and of course the prize money. 572 matches were played during the weekend.

Iceland Open – Saturday

Iceland Open was held on the Saturday as direct knock-out tournament.  In the men’s event the winner was Edwin Torbjörnsson from Sweden after a thrilling 5-3 final against the Mark Barilli from Scotland.  Francesco Raschini from Italy and Björn Lejon from Sweden were in joint 3rd place having reached the semi-finals.

In women’s event we had another thrilling final where Annegret Willkomm from Germany won 5-4 against Maud Jansson from Sweden.  Margaret Sutton from England and Irina Armstrong from Germany were in joint 3rd place having reached the semi-finals.

Iceland Masters – Saturday

The Iceland Masters event was held on the Sunday as a Round-Robin event and knockout.  In the men’s event the winner was Matt „Prime Time“ Edgar from England.  Matt won the final 5-3 against Bjorn Lejon from Sweden. In joint 3rd place were Colm Neilson from the United States and Brian Løkken from Denmark.

In the women’s event the winner was Irina Armstrong from Germany who won the final 5-2 against Tracy Feiertag from the United States.  In joint 3rd place were Anna Forsmark and Maud Jansson, both from Sweden.


We were lucky to have the Icelandic Darts legend, Halli Egils, bring his camera to the events and to share the images with you.

Iceland Open album | Iceland Masters album

Videos from the Live Stream

The event was streamed through the YouTube channel Live Darts Iceland where you can find the complete duration of both events from 3 boards.

The Official Iceland Open/Masters jersey

The Official Icelandic Open/Masters jersey was extremely popular during the weekend and was sold out in matter of minutes. Therefor the Iceland Dart Association has launched an order form where those who were not able to purchase a jersey can do so before the 27th of April.

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Helgi Pjetur

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