
Information for Iceland Open/Masters

Dear Participant

We look forward to see you at the Icelandic Open/Masters tournament that will be held at Bullseye on the 13th and 14th of April. This announcement is to provide you with key information that may prove useful to you as well some rule reminders that need to be kept in mind when particpating in WDF tournament.

The tournament will be held at Bullseye, Snorrabraut 32. Doors will open at 09:00 both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday will be a straight knockout tournament playing best of seven (Bo7) all the way until the finals which will be a best of 9 (Bo9).

On Sunday there will be a round robin format where each match is a best of five (Bo5) and knockouts will be a best of seven (Bo7) until the finals which will be a best of nine (Bo9).

The round robin part for men will be divided into two segments due to the number of signups.


Both tournaments are seeded according to WDF Ranking list.

                WDF Rankings – Men

                WDF Rankings – Women

  • A Bull throw shall determine the order of play in each match. The throwing order for the Bull throw shall be determined at the Control Desk or at the Match Board by a draw or the toss of a coin. (WDF 12.01)
  • Each player is entitled to six ‘6’ practice darts at the assigned matchboard prior to the start of a match. (WDF 13.01)
  • Players/teams must attend their assigned matchboards at the designated time; failure to do so may lead to the forfeiture of the match – a time limit of three ‘3’ minutes is allowed. (WDF 14.02)*
  • Players are not permitted to wear jeans: neither shall they wear trousers or skirts made with denim or corduroy material, which have been fashioned in a “jeans style”. No training shoes will be allowed unless the player provides written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner. This restriction shall also apply to any form of “track suit” attire. (WDF 16.01)
  • No headgear, or headphones other than on religious grounds, or medical grounds
  • with written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner, shall be worn without the prior permission of the Organiser following a written application from the player. (WDF 16.03
  • Any player refusing to meet with an Organiser’s requirements in respect of Playing Attireshall be liable to forfeit that respective match. (WDF 16.06)
  • In WDF Ranked events the entire playing room shall be smoke free. In addition, the designated playing area shall be alcohol free
  • Phones and smart watches shall kept on silent mode and players prohibited from answering or playing on their phone while at the oche.

*Tournament official will NOT look for contestants. It is the contestant responsibility to show up at the oche within the appropiate time limit.


Tournament begins 11:00am sharp and participants will need to confirm their registration before 10:00am. Brackets will be announced shortly after.

The loser of each match must mark the next game on the board they lost.

Award ceremony as soon as the finals for both men and womens has finished.


Tournament begins at 10am sharp. Groups will be announced and made public on Saturday evening.

Groups A-H for men and all women group will begin at 10:00am and will participants need confirm their registration no later than 09:45.

Groups I-P are expected to start at 14:00/2PM and will they need confirm their registration no later than 13:30.

The top four (4) contestants in each group will progress to the knockout stage. Contestants in groups I-P and all womens group who fail to progress will need to mark the first games in the knockout stage.

We estimate that knockout stage start around 18:30 for men and around 17/17:30 for women.

Award ceremony as soon as the finals for both men and womens has finished.


If you preordered a jersey through it will be available for pick-up at Bullseye.

The jersey will also be available for purchase for 8.990kr. Cash and card accepted.

Good Luck and Game On.

Magnús Gunnlaugsson

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