Icelandic Premier League Week 2

The second week of the Icelandic Premier League was 30 October. That week the matches were played in the Paddy’s Beach Club.

The night started with a 6-2 win for youngster Alex Máni Pétursson against Karl Helgi Jónsson. Jónsson took the first leg, but after that Pétursson won 5 legs in a row. The last two legs of the match went with the darts.

The second match went between Matthías Örn Friðriksson and Hallgrimur Egilsson. The first 4 legs went with the darts. Friðriksson broke in the fifth leg with a 17-darter, before holding his own leg in 16 darts for a 4-2 lead. Egilsson came back strongly, he held his own leg and broke back in 17 darts for 4-4. In the ninth leg Egilsson missed three darts at the double, ‘The Eagle’ punished him and broke to 5-4. With throwing tops in his own leg Friðriksson won 6-4.

After the thriller, Þorgeir Guðmundsson and Alexander Þorvaldsson played against each other. Þorvaldsson started very well with a 2-0 and 3-1 lead, but after that Guðmundsson won 3 legs in a row for a 4-3 lead. After that, all legs went with the darts, including a 108-finish from Þorvaldsson but eventually, Guðmundsson won 6-5.

The last match of the night was between Vitor Charrua and Guðmundur Sigurðsson. Up to 2-2, the match went right on. After that Charrua won 4 legs in a row for a 6-2 victory.

Patrick Bus

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